Expensive hiring mistake - starting to look for a job candidate because you have a vague notion that you “need to bring on some help”.

I see it happen all the time with friends and clients. And it almost always results in a frustrated boss and a confused employee. When you begin the hiring process without a good job description you’re setting yourself and your new hire up for failure.

Today, we’re talking about the fourth step in preparing to hire (and keep) great employees. After this, you’ll be ready to start advertising the position.

Step 4 - build a job description

Once you’re aware that you need to bring on some help, your very next step is to write a job description for the position you want to fill.

By writing a job description you’re forcing yourself to get clarity around the work you want that position to be responsible for. The hiring process will benefit because you’ll be able to clearly communicate your expectations. Job candidates will have the advantage of knowing what the job entails before their first day of work.

Now, don’t just slap together a standard job description! I want you to invest in a results-oriented job description, as I explain in this video.

Keep using the job description

Don’t make the common mistake of writing the job description and then putting it in a drawer!

You’re going to use this document all the time. First, in the hiring process. Then on the very first day for every new employee. And then every single week after that.

Yes, I said every single week. You should reference it with your employee all the time, because this is the rubric for their success.

How this will make you money

There are at least two benefits of this results-oriented hiring strategy.

  1. It requires you to become the sort of leader who clearly defines the outcomes you want.
  2. You’ll learn to look for people to whom you can delegate the responsibility of those outcomes.

When you hire for those things, you will be far more likely to bring someone onto your team who will make you a whole lot more money in the long run and will cost you much less in waste over the short run.

Your next steps

Here’s your action item for this issue:

  1. Write a KRA before staring the hiring process

Next time we’ll cover the fifth step in hiring great employees - looking in the right places.

To thriving,
