When you work in service industries, the quality of the work you do is not the only factor in how your customer evaluates your work. The difficult truth is that their perception of your work or service is just as important.

I’ve argued this before: the experience is the product! It’s not just the work you leave behind, but the entire process from start to finish. If you’re not mindful of the whole experience you’re giving your customers, then you’re leaving a lot to chance and hoping that the customer’s experience will be a positive one.

Today, instead of reinventing the wheel, I’m sharing a section of a recent episode from the Blue Collar Nation podcast. For context - this podcast primarily focuses on the cleaning and restoration industry, so the hosts will be discussing disaster recovery jobs. But the principles they talk about apply to every service job you can imagine.

So, crank up the speed 1.5x or 2x and listen to some great stories and advice from the trenches. Optics matter. Perception shapes reality when it comes to customer service and satisfaction.

Until next time!

To thriving,
